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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(3): 197-202

The Association Betvveen Cerebrovascuiar Lipoprotein (A) In The Fırat River-Basin

Dr. Hızır ULVİ* Dr. Ahmet VAR* Dr. Tahir YOLDAŞ* Dr. İsmail TEMEL** Dr. Remzi YİĞİTER* Dr. Bülent MÜNGEN*



Lipoprotein (a) [Lp (a)] is a cho/esteroi-rich lipoprotein. High plasma levels of Lp (a) have been shown to be associated with cerebrovascuiar diseases (CVD). Serum Lp (a) levels are doseiy reiated to genetic factors. We determined plasma Lp (a) levels in CVD for popuiation in the Fırat River- Basin, and compared them with previous Fmdings of the other studies. Plasma Lp (a) levels were evaluated in CVD and controi groups. The mean plasma Lp (a) levels in the CVD group was found approximateiy two-fold higher than that of the controi group (0.19 g/I vs 0.43 g/I). As a resuit, high serum Lp (a) levels were found to constitute an independent risk factor in CVD. We beiieve that patients who have a high Lp (a) vaiues must be vvarned for a probabie CVD and other risk factors tike smoking, alcohol, diet, ete.

Keyvvords: Lipoprotein (a), atherosderosis, cerebrovascuiar disease.

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