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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(3): 203-206

Eariy Resuits In Insertion Of Hickman Catheter

Dr. Ayda TÜRKÖZ* Dr. Türkan TOĞAL* Dr. Öner GÜLCAN** Dr. Fehmi ATEŞ*** Dr. Mahmut DURMUŞ* Dr. Ahmet KÖROĞLU*



Long-term Central venous iines for chronic hemoaccess are usually inserted in the operating theater under local or general anesthesia by experienced surgeons. We report our preiiminary experience in Hickman/Broviac catheter placement by percutaneous techniçue in tvventy patients with haematological maiignandes. We outiine the impiantation methods and compiications encountered by this technique. Technicai success was achieved in 19 patients (95 %). The mean time for insertion was 45 min. The incidence of hemothorax and arrhytmia was simi/ar (5 %). Secondary migration of the catheter tip was seen in one patient (5 %). İnfection occurred in only 3 patients (15 %) as a late compiication. We conciude that percutaneous insertion of Hickman catheters by anesthesioiogists is at least as effective as surgicai or radiological techniçues. The rate of dinically important compiications is acceptabie

 Key words: Hickman/Broviac catheter, technicai success, compiications.

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