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Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(3): 213-217

The Clinical Evaluation Of Diabetic Patients Between 1996 And 1998 In Inonu University School Of Medicine, Turgut Oza! Medicai Çenter

Dr. Alper SEVİNÇ* Dr. Haluk ŞAVLI* Dr. Servet SERBEST* Dr. Murat HARPUTLUOĞLU* 



Eight hundred and seventy-one patients admitted to the diabetes dinic of Turgut Özal Medicai Çenter, İnönü University for the /ast two years were ana/yzed retrospectiveiy. Thirty- seven per cent of the patients were male and 63% were female. The average age was 51.2 ± 20.9 years in ma/es and 52.8 ± 21.2 years in femaies. There were 35 (4%) type 1 and 836 (96%) type 2 diabetic patients. The average diabetes period in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients were 9.88 ± 8.67 years and 7.07 ± 6.14 years, respectiveiy. Type 2 diabetic patients were treated with diet (16%), insülin (13.3%), and orai antidiabetic drugs (70.7%). The average body mass index was 25.8 ± 8.7 in ma/es and 28.9 ± 10.6 in femaies. The late compiication rates were determined as 66.6% for retinopathy 28.6% for neuropathy, 16.1% for microalbuminuria, and 7.4% for macroaibuminuria. The rates of the atherosderosis- related changes were 40.4% for hypertension, 40.7% for hypercholesterolemia, and 36.2% for hypertriglyceridemia. In patients treated with diet, there were 7.1% of neuropathy, 14.3 % of microalbuminuria, 4.3% of macroaibuminuria, and 11.2% of retinopathy. In patients treated with orai antidiabetic drugs, there were 16.3% of neuropathy, 18.1% of microalbuminuria, 8.2% of macroaibuminuria, and 59% of retinopathy. Patients with insülin treatment had results as 21.2% of neuropathy, 7.7% of microalbuminuria, 7.7% of macroaibuminuria, and 63% of retinopathy. These data will be a guide for the regular and systematic follow-up of patients in the future.

Key ıvords: Epidemiology, type 2 diabetes mellitus

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