Nineteen cases with tuberculous meningitis were included in this study who were treated in Atatürk University Medical School Pediatrics Clinic between January 1991-1994. The mean age of the patients was 55.5± 31.7 months and 68.4% were females. The symptoms were fever(89.5%), vomiting(57.9%)and lethargy (42.1%). Family history was positive in eight cases (42.1%) and tuberculin skin test was positive in four cases (10.5%). The mean cerebrospinal fluid protein (CSF) level was 160mg/dl, CSF/serum glucose ratio was 30.8% and CSF leucocyte count was 148/mm. Chest radiographs were positive in 11 cases (57.9%). Twelve patients had computerized cranial tomography and hydrocephalus was demonstrated in seven (58.3%) of these patients. Adenosine deaminase activity was determined in six cases and all were high (33.4 ±4.7 U/L). The diagnosis of tuberculous menengitis was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction in four cases. Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture was positive in five of the nineteen cases. At admission two (10.5 %) cases were in Stage I, eight (42.1%) were in Stage II, and nine (47.4%) were in Stage III. Mortality ratio was 47.4% and it was highest in Stage III.
Key words: Tuberculous meningitis, clinical findings, mortality