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Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(3): 225-228

Novobiocine-Sensitive, Coagutase-Negative Staphylococd in Urinary Cultures: Are They Causative Agents or Contaminants?


Dr. Nuray BÜYÜKBERBER* Dr. Bengül DURMAZ* Dr. İbrahim Halil ÖZEROL* Dr. Rıza DURMAZ* Dr. Saim YOLOĞLU**




A totai of 66 subjects (31 asymptomatic and 35 symptomatic) vvhose urine culture yielded coagulase-negative staphylococd other than Staphylococcus saprophyticus were evaluated both dinical and laboratory findings to figüre out vvhether these bacteria are contaminant or causative agent. There was a good correlation betvveen amount of colony counts and dinical symptoms. Fifteen urine samples from symptomatic people yielded > 5.1(f CFU/ml whereas ali samples from asymptomatic ones had colony counts less than 3.1(f CFU/ml. The isolates were considered as a contaminant based on less colony counts and absent of dinical symptoms shovved more similar susceptibility profiies to antimicrobial agents than those with higher colony counts. In condusion, the findings of dinical, laboratory and antibiotics susceptibility testing procedure should be considered together to make acceptabie discussion about coagulase-negative staphyiococci other than S. saprophyticus.

Key words: Coagulase-negative staphylococd, urinary culture 

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