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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 1994; 1(3): 210-212

Serratia sepsis: a case report


Dr Mahmut BAYKAN*,  Dr.İ.Halil ÖZEROL**,  Dr.Hilal KART*,  Dr.Bülent BAYSAL*




We refxirt a case of Serratia sepsis who developed in a boy whom 12 years old. Serratia organizms occur in soil, dairy products, water and sewage, as well as in the intestinal and upper respiratory tract of man and animals. The microorganism was long considered a harmless bacteria, but since 1960, it has been isolated with increasing frequency in human mostly in nosocomial infections. Serratia usually infect patients with debilitating disorders, or under treatment with broad-spectrum antimicrobics. or subjected to instrumentation such as tracheostomy tubes or indwelling catheters and can cause endocarditis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, wound, urinary and respiratory tract infections. ¡Journal ofTurgut Ozal Medical Center 1(3):210-212,1994]

Key Words: Serratia. sepsis

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