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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 1994; 1(4): 246-250

Effects of aflatoxin Bt on total body weight and different organs weight in the rabbits


Dr.M.Hanifı EMRE* Dr. Ali OTLU**,  Dr.Sacıde KARAKAŞ***,  Dr.SaimYOLOĞLU****,   Dr. İsmail TEMEL*****




We used 30 male rabbits belong to NewZelandrabbit strain (Oryctolagus cuniculus huxleyi) in this study. The rabbits were groupped and were given 0.005, 0.0075 and 0.010gr/kg/day respectively to A , B, Cgroups. It were not found istatistically diffrences between groups' weight of total body, right suprarenal gland, left and right kidney, heart, stomach, and salivary glands. On the other hand we have determined istatistically differences between groups-' weight of left suprarenal gland and lung. Data were compared and discussed with literature. [Journal ofTurgut Ozal Medical Center l(4):246-250,1994/

 Key Words: Rabbit, Aflatoxin Bt, weight of total body and different organs

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