For the pur/tose of investigating the etiologic role of thyroid and surrenal disfunctions in chronic urticaria, this study was performed. After systemic examination and routine laboratory /xxedures, serum samples were collected for testing serum total T3 (T3). total T4 (TJ, free T3 {I'T3). free T4 (FJ’J, TSH and cortisole levels from 25 /tatients with chronic urticaria and 25 healthy controls. As a result: there were no significant differences between serum T3 , T4 , f'T3, I'Tj, TSlf and cortisole levels in the study and control groups (p 0.05). [Journal ofTurgut Ozal Medical Center l(4):275-277, 1994)
Key Words: ('hronic urticaria, thyroid hormones, cortisole