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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(1): 37-39

Aımlysis of acute viral hepatitis cases

Dr. Mehmet A TAŞ YAR AN*, Dr. Mehmet PARLAKDr.Mustafa ERTEK*, Dr. Şerafettin YILMAZ*



Seventy five patients with acute viral hepatitis were retrospectively evaluated in terms of clinical and laboratory findings. and prognosis in 1994. It was  found  that the disease was freguently seen in 13-20 age group (42.7 %) in the autumn (43.7 %). The freguent symptoms and signs at admission vere malaise-anorexia (100.0 %), jaundice (97.3 %). hepatomegaly (93.3.%) and nausea-vomiting (52.0 %). Serum aminotransferase levels
ere foıınd gradıtally decreased tomırds normaI ranges at the end of the hospitahsation u ıth an average of 21.3 ± 8.1 days. Three cases developed fulminant hepatitis. tvo of vhom died due to gastroentestinal bleeding. Mortality rate was 2.7%. İn the present study. the percentages of acute viral hepatitis followed up in our clinics vere 48.0 %. 28.0 % and 10.7% in B. A and E types. respectively. 

Key Words:.Acute viral hepatitis. epıdemiology. clinical and laboratoıy /indings, prognosis.

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