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Ann Med Res. 1998; 5(1): 55-59

Computed tomography findings in lumbar spinal stenosis

Dr. Tamer Baysal1, Dr. Özlem Baysal2, Dr. Kaya Saraç1, Dr. Nurzat Elmalı3, Dr. Ayhan Bölük4, Dr. Ramazan Kutlu1




21 patients having lumbar spinal stenosis were evaluated clinically and with computed tomography. In computed tomographic evaluation of the lumbar vertebrae, the dural sac transverse area, the width of lateral recesses and ligamentum flavums were measured. The herniated disks compressing the central canal and other causes of spinal stenosis were investigated. The most common computed tomography finding was disk hernia- bulging (85.7%) and narrowing of spinal canal transverse area less than 100 mm2 (85.7%). In computed tomography, instead of canal measurements, spinal stenosis should be evaluated with the shape of the spinal canal and whether there is enough space for the thecal sac and nerve roots or not. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1998;5(1):55-59]

Key Words: Spinal stenosis, computed tomography

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