Original Research |
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ADHD prevalence among school-age children: a preliminarystudy
Dr . M . Erkan Özcan*, Dr. Mücahit Eğri**, Dr. N . Onur Kutlu***, Dr. Ceng iz Yakıncı***, Dr. Hamza Karabi ber***, Dr. Meti n Genç**
. Abstract | | | |
This study has been made to determine the prevalence ofAttention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) among school-age children living in Malatya city center. Child behavior checklist has been completed by teachers of 3002 elementary school students. Students that have been pointed as having inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity were examined clinically. Prevalence ofADHD among this population was found to be 9.5 percent. Ratio ofboys/g irls was 2.75.
Key Words: ADHD, prevalence, school-age children