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Ann Med Res. 1998; 5(4): 252-257

The radiological resu/ts of our arthroscopic anterior cruciate Ugament reconstruction


Dr. Güntekin GÜNER*, Dr. Nurzat ELMALI*, Dr. Kadir ERTEM*, Dr. Ü. S. MÜEZZÎNOĞLU**’







The radiological resu/ts of our arthroscopic anterior cruciate Ugament reconstruction

There are some important factors in the evaluation of the resu/ts of the anterior cruciate surgery such as subjective data based on the patient's daims, physical fmdings about the mobility and the stability of the knee joint and the tests measuring the strength of the operated knee. Besides these, radiological examinations ha ve great importance. This study discusses the radiological evaluation of the 16 patients out of 21 treated with the Standard protocol, and the correlation of the radiological fmdings with the din icat resu/ts. The avarage age of our patients was 25(27-38) years and the average follow up 16(7-26) months. In order to determine whether the femoral and tibial tunnels were in accordance with the isometric points and if there was any impingement, and to evaluate the post- operative position of the patella, we took PA and lateral x-rays of operated knee, lateral extension and forced extension x-rays of the operated knee, tangentiat patella x-rays ofboth knees and lateral x-rays of the normal knee. The radiological fmdings were similar to the clinical resu/ts with 87% of our patients reaching their pre-trauma /eve/s. Laxity of the knee joint or stiffness is an inevitable result if the graft is not placed with a proper isometry. Therefore, anterior cruciate ligamnet reconstruction should be performed with a deta/led planning using proper technigues.

Key words: Anterior cruciate Ugament, injury, reconstructions, radiology.



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