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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(2): 152-154

The prevalance of Hepatitis C virus and cytomegalovirus in our hemodialysis unit of the last 5 years

Dr.Mahmut BAYKAN*, Dr. Ali KOŞAR*, Dr.Mehdi YEKSAN**, Dr.Süleyman TÜRK**, Dr.Süleyman.ALICI**, Dr.Hakkı POLAT**, Dr.Mahmut DALMAZ**




Bacterial, micotic and viral infections are common in hemodialysis patients (HP) because of immunsupression. Risk of these infections increase depending on several factor such as duration of dialysis, number of blood transfusions. In this study, in our hemodialysis unit hepatitis C virus (HCV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) incidence of HP in last 5 years was evaluated. In 1990, 60 patients for HCV, 78 patients for CMV and in 1994, 48 patients were included this study. Anti HCV and CMV IgM in 1994 comparing to incidence in 1994. There were no statistically significant difference in CMV IgG incidence. As a result, using different dialysis machines for anti HCV positive patients and decreased need of blood transfusions due to use of erythropoietin may prevent of new viral infections. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 2(2): 152-154,1995]

Key Words : Hemodialysis patients, anti HCV prevalence, anti C.MV prevalence

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