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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(2): 169-171

The comparison of visual evoked potentials between sexes in healthy person

Dr.Galip AKHAN*, Dr.Sadettin ÇALIŞKAN**, Dr.Halit KARACA**




Some authors reported that there are hemispheric asymmetric visual evoked potentials between sexes. The other reports suggested that this asymmetry is not caused by sex but is caused by difference in vigilance, IQ and maturation of brain. We aimed to search this issue in two groups same in vigilance age and IQ. We used hemifield pattern reversal evoked potentials and compared PI 00 and N75 waves amplitude and latencies between sexes. We did not find any statistically significant difference. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 2(2): 169-171,1995]

Key Words: Visual evoked potentials, sex, age, IQ, hemispheric asymmetry.

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