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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(2): 177-183

The statistically analysis of the patients with vertebral trauma

Dr.H.Erdem AK*, Dr.Ümit ÖZKAN*, Dr.Sait ERKUT*, Dr.Safinaz ATAOĞLU**




Todays, spinal traumas are still important a problem. Healing of neurologic deficits that became after the spinal injury are very difficult. Principles of treatment and prognostic factors were investigated in patients with spinal trauma.

In this study, we analyzed that treated 152 patients with spinal trauma who hospitalized for years period at Dicle University, Medical Faculty, Department of Neurosurgery. 77.6% of the patients were male and 22.4% of the patients were female. Causes of injuries were subsequently traffic accident (36.8%), fall from high (36.8%) and firearms shot (14.5%). The spinal pathologies were fracture-dislocation (38.8%), compression fracture (30.9%) and burst jracture (10.5%). As a treatment, it was performed surgical (52.6%) and conservative (47.4%). The most of the patients were admitted to emercency service in a late period after trauma. Patients with neurologic deficits were not seen satisfactory healing despite of various treatment.

We ascertained the prognostic factors which were important emergency treatment and transportation in favorable condition as soon as possible after trauma. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 2(2): 177-183,1995]

Key Words : Vertebral trauma, thoracolomber jracture, laminectomy, spinal stabilization.

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