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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(4): 361-363

Evaluation of history and skin test results in rug factory workers

Dr. Ahmet AKKAYA*




This study includes 124 employers working in Isparta Sumer Carpet Factory. In 88 employees wich have a direct contact with wool, 66 (75 %) had complaints of cough, 59 (67 %) had productive cough, 37 ( 42 %) had dispnea, and 31 (35 %) had Monday Sickness complaints. Additionally a history of chronic bronchitis was found in 16 (18 %) cases 38 (30,6 %) of 124 cases showed positive response with prick test for wool. High incidence rates of Monday Sickness complaints and prick test positivities are remarkable. These findings show that inhalation of wool dust may increase allergic sensitivity.

Key words:  Wool, prick test, complaint

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