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Ann Med Res. 2013; 20(2): 129-132

Comparing the Utilizations of Radiofrequency, Bipolar Electrocauterization and Sutures for Bleeding Control in Circumcision.

Özer Güzel, Çetin Volkan Öztekin, Alp Özgür Akdemir, Cevdet Serkan Gökkaya



Aim: The aim of this study was comparing the radiofrequency energy, bipolar-cautery and suture methods which were used for bleeding control in circumcision operations.

Material and Methods: Eighty-three patients, between 1-14 years of age underwent circumcision operation between 2009 and 2011 are included in this randomized, prospective study. Patients were separated into three groups according to the bleeding control method used. Radiofrequency used in Group A (n=23), electro-cauterization used in Group-B (n=26), and sutures applied in Group C (n=34). Results were revealed for operation time, postoperative infection, hemorrhage, edema, and skin opening.

Results: Mean age of the patients in general group was 4.92 years (SD: 3.09, range: 1-14), postoperative infection rate was 4% (SD: 1.88), mean edema duration was 6.64 days (SD: 1.29, range: 4-10), and groups were similar for these values. Mean operation duration was 17.41 minutes (SD: 6.04, range: 8-35), and this time was distributed through groups as 12.43 minutes in Group-A, 13.92 minutes in Group-B, and 23.44 minutes in Group C. Statistical analyses revealed that Group-A and Group-B were similar for the operation duration, whereas they were both significantly differed from Group C (p

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