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Ann Med Res. 2014; 21(3): 186-195

Measuring, Evaluating, and Mapping the Electromagnetic Field Levels in Turgut Ozal Medical Center Building and Environment

Teoman Karadağ1, Teymuraz Abbasov2, Müge Otlu Karadağ3



Objectives: To take measurements for electromagnetic field levels in the range of 5Hz-8GHz frequency at Turgut Ozal Medical Center, Inonu University, a medical center visited by over 500.000 patients every year, and analysing the results.

Material and Methods: Two Wavecontrol MonitEM, continuous electromagnetic field measurement stations have been used to observe the values of electrical field levels at 100kHz-8GHz and GSM and 3G frequencies inside and outside the medical center in different times of the day. We used Narda EHP-50D device for continuous electromagnetic field measurements to observe the values of the electrical field levels around the medical center, from the building out towards the nearby switchyard, and high voltage power transmission lines in a range of 5HZ-100kHz frequency. We also employed a Wavecontrol SMP Meter electromagnetic field measurement device to observe the electrical field level values at 10Hz-3KHz, 100KHz-8GHz and GSM and 3G frequencies. The source frequencies were measured by Aaronia Spectran HF-60105.

Results: The high electromagnetic field levels within the medical center are caused by the systems operating at high frequencies used, again, within the medical center, and not by the external electromagnetic sources.

Conclusion: As a result of instant and continuous electromagnetic field measurements at 5Hz-8GHz frequencies in the interiors and exteriors of the medical center, none of the values we have measured was over national and international standards.

Key Words: Electric and Magnetic Fields; High Frequency Electromangnetic Field; Electromagnetic Field Monitoring in Hospitals; Electromagnetic Pollution Maps.

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