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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2014; 21(4): 304-306

Unembriyonic Pregnancy in a Noncommunicating Rudimentary Horn of a Unicornuate Uterus: A Case Report

Bekir Serdar Ünlü, Hakan Aytan, Mehmet Sıddık Evsen, Ömer Lütfi Tapısız, Sema Zergeroğlu, Leyla Mollamahmutoğlu



This is a case report of an unembriyonic pregnancy in the non-communicating rudimentary horn of a unicornuate uterus with the contralateral ovary carrying a corpus luteum. A 24-year-old nullipara was admitted to our outpatient clinic with the complaint of primary infertility for 3 years. Her hysterosalpingographic and laparoscopic evaluation revealed a mullerian anomaly; non-communicating rudimentary uterine horn. One year later, the patient was admitted with a 10-week amenorrhea. The examination showed unembriyonic pregnancy in the left uterine rudimentary horn and corpus luteum on the contralateral ovary. The case at hand is an evidence of transperitoneal migration of both the sperm and the ovum, so the belief that unicornuate uterus with a non-communicating rudimentary horn goes asymptomatic without causing any trouble is not true. In such cases, the rudimentary horn should be removed.

Key Words: Mullerian Duct Anomaly; Pregnancy; Hysterosalpingography.

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