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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2015; 22(1): 47-49

A Case of a Difficult Airway Control during Glottic Tumor Biopsy

Oguzhan Kilavuz.


Glottic tumors might cause severe airway problems due to their location. Manipulations with endotracheal intubation may increase the
severity of airway problems. This case reports presents our experience with a patient who was admitted with acute disphonia and
respiratory stress, diagnosed with laryngeal tumor following CT, and underwent biopsy under general anesthesia. In the light of similar
cases in the literature, our report aims to present airway management of this patient who had to go through difficult ventilation and
intubation during the anesthesia induction due to a glottic mass.

Key words: Glottic Mass; Difficult Ventilation; Tracheostomy.

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