Reactivation of the latent virus at the dorsal nerve roots and ganglia in patients with chickenpox history may result in quite painful, itchy,
and blistering rash on a limited area of the sensory nerve and this condition is called Herpes Zoster or Zona. Herpes Zoster may resolve
spontaneously in one or two weeks or course of disease may also be serious in elderly and immunocompromised individuals. Although
providing an effective treatment is not always possible, sympathetic nerve block, antiviral agents, analgesics, and opioid drugs might be
used. We believe that, sympathetic nerve blocks, with their inhibitory effects on the formation of the post-herpetic neuralgia, are one of the
effective treatment modalities especially in patients with insufficient improvement after medications. In this case report, we aimed to
present the use of interscalene brachial plexus nerve block to treat a patient with Herpes Zoster in the shoulder area.
Key words: Herpes Zoster; Bupivacaine; Brachial Plexus.