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Review Article

Integrated management for major date palm pests in Iraq

Abdul-Sattar A. Ali, Nazar N. Hama.


Date palm has been considered for centuries as the most important fruit tree (economically, socially and environmentally) in Iraq and other date producing countries. Dates and other palm trees products are contributing to both national economy and farmer income as well. Date palm plantations are an integral component of the citrus agro-ecosystem in irrigated regions in the central and southern of Iraq. Both date palm productivity and dates quality has been deteriorated mainly due to pests attack and other environmental and social factors. Date palm trees and fruits are affected by many principle insect pests such as Dubas bug Ommatissus lybicus De Berge., borers Oryctus spp., Jebusae spp and Lesser Date Moth Batrachedra amydraula which cause serious and significant reductions in date palm productivity and quality. Conventional insecticides have become inefficient to reach a satisfactory solution against date palm pests in addition to their negatives consequences on environment and human health. Therefore, efforts were directed towards the application of Integrated Pest Management techniques as a safe affective alternative. Based on this concept, the Iraqi agricultural policy started moving towards safe alternatives in managing epidemic pests. Direct actions were taken to implement the integrated management programs in various agricultural systems in the country. The Harmonized Support for Agricultural Development program (HSAD) in Iraq, funded by USAID and implemented jointly by ICARDA and the Ministry of Agriculture, has devoted much effort in the dissemination of the IPM concept and application in controlling major date palm insect pests t in Iraq. As a result of these joint efforts an IPM program was developed and implemented against major date palm pest in the country.

Key words: Biological control, Borers, Date palm, Dubas, Integrated pest management (IPM), lesser date palm moth

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