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Breast meat quality of broilers fed fermented red ginseng marc powder mixed with red-koji during storage

Sam Churl Kim, Gee Dong Lee, In Hag Choi.


The breast meat quality of broilers fed four different types of red ginseng marc (DTRG) during storage was investigated in this study. The experiment had a completely randomized design with four groups and four replicates; 240 Arbor Acres broiler chicks (160 male and 80 female) were used. The groups consisted of the control, 2% red ginseng marc, 1% fermented red ginseng marc with red-koji, and 2% liquid red ginseng. No remarkable effects on pH values of breast meat were observed in groups fed DTRG during storage (but not the group fed 1% fermented red ginseng combined with red-koji). Both groups and storage had a significant effect (p< 0.05) on L*, a*, and b* values (but not L* values at 7 days, a* values at 1 day, and b* values at 7 days or L* values in T3 groups and a* values in T1 groups over storage). DPPH radical-scavenging activity showed significant differences (p< 0.05) between groups and storage days. In conclusion, diets supplemented with 1% fermented red ginseng powder combined with red-koji is helpful in improving DPPH radical-scavenging activity (antioxidant effect) in broiler breast meat, possibly because of the saponins present in red ginseng marc.

Key words: Fermented red ginseng marc powder; Red-koji; Red ginseng marc; Meat color; DPPH radical-scavenging activity

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