The best method to select a candidate either for a promotion or to next grade or for a job is examination
and there are many ways a candidate can be examined. Examinations are known to be there since 13th
century but every method has its own merits and demerits and one system does not suit all, essays, short
essays, MCQs , OSCE, OSPE are some of the methods that can be used in an academic setting. The article
deals with the merits and demerits of all these methods .Increasing fraud in various examinations is a
matter of concern since a less meritorious or undeserving candidate gets selected by unfair means. It is essential
to eradicate it by all means by adopting various methods which are also discussed. With the advancement in
technology fool proof methods of examinations are to be developed. On line examination using computers
may be effective to some extent.
Key words: Examinations, Evaluations, Fraud.