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Analysis of the Causes of Occupational Injuries and Application of Preventive Measures

Nermina Cemalovic, Semso Rosic, Nermin Toromanovic.


Introduction: Occupational injuries are one of the major public health problems in the world and in our country, and are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity of workers. The goals of this study are to determine the type and nature of occupational injuries and propose a program of preventive measures. Material and methods: The study included 98 injured workers in the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 in the area of the Cazin municipality. The sources of data used are reports of an accident at work in the Occupational Health Services and the Primary Health Care Center. Results: The most common injuries are the ones by sharp object (30.6%), incarceration (27.5%) and fall from a height (19.3%). According to the nature of the injuries the most numerous are contusions and lacerations. Activities that are most prevalent among those injured are in service provision (48.0%), manufacturing (36.4%) and construction (33.3%). Conclusions: It is necessary to implement measures of collective and personal protection, education of workers, proper handling of tools and machinery, improving interpersonal relationships, rewarding and implementation of the strategy of making plans for the program of occupational safety.

Key words: occupational injuries, prevention

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