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The Role of Lactate Clearance as a Predictor of Organ Dysfunction and Mortality in Patients With Severe Sepsis

Ehsan Bolvardi, Jafar Malmir, Hamidreza Reihani, Amir Masoud Hashemian, Mehran Bahramian, Peyman Khademhosseini, Koorosh Ahmadi.


Background: Little is known about biomarkers which are used to classification of patients in order to diagnosis severity of sepsis among clients of emergency units. It seems that Lactate’s clearance can be used in this regard. This study aimed to determine the relationship between Lactate’s clearance, mortality and organ’s dysfunction with severe sepsis. Materials and methods: In this study 90 patients with severe sepsis, were visited and examined exactly. Para clinical tests, serum venous lactate, organ’s dysfunction scores, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE-II) and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) were applied upon admission and 6 hours after it. According to clinical and laboratory criteria, dysfunction in main organs were examined and Lactate’s Clearance was accounted. All the patients were cured according to early goal-directed therapy protocol. Results: Among the participants 49 and 41 were male and female respectively. The mean age of the group was 49.37±1.41. The patients were classified to groups, less or more than 10% lactate’s clearance. Mortality rate of the patients was 18.9% (17 people). Mean age of the dead group was 49.71±13.33. The mean of dysfunctional organs which is assessed in terms of clinical, laboratory and SOFA criteria was significantly higher among the dead group than other. The Lactate’s clearance in the dead group was significantly lower than the other group (p

Key words: lactate, severe sepsis, prognosis, organ dysfunction

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