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ELISA Test for Analyzing of Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes Autoantibodies (GAD and IA2) in Children and Adolescents

Marina Delic-Sarac, Selma Mutevelic, Jasenko Karamehic, Djemo Subasic, Tomislav Jukic, Jozo Coric, Ognjen Ridjic, Mirsad Panjeta, Lejla Zunic.


Introduction: Anti GAD (antibodies on glutamic acid decarboxylase) and anti-IA2 antibodies (against tyrosine phosphatase ), today, have their place and importance in diagnosis and prognosis of Type 1 diabetes. Huge number of patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 have these antibodies. Insulin antibodies are of critical importance in diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 1 for pediatric population. Materials and methods: During 2014, the samples of 80 patients from Clinical Center University Sarajevo (CCUS) Pediatrics clinic’s, Endocrinology department were analyzed on anti-GAD and IA2 antibodies. The samples of serums of all patients were analyzed with ELISA tests using Anti GAD ELISA (IgG) kites from EUROIMMUN company. These are quantitative in vitro tests for human antibodies against decarboxylase of glutamine acid (GAD) and IA2, in serum or EDTA plasm. Results: During the period of one year, in CCUS’s Organizational unit, Institute for Clinical Immunology, 80 samples of patients with anti GAD and IA2 antibodies were analyzed. Out of total number of samples, 41 were male patients, or 51% and 39 female, or 49%. The youngest patient was born in 2012, and the oldest in 1993. Age average was represented by the patients born in 2001. Share of positive results for IA2 antibodies and GAD antibodies was 37% for IA2 antibodies, and 63% for GAD antibodies. Discussion: During an autoimmune – mediated Diabetes mellitus type 1 leads to T-cell mediated destruction of beta cells of pancreatic islets, reduced production of insulin and glucose metabolism. Studies have shown that these bodies are the most intense single marker for identifying persons with increased risk for diabetes development.

Key words: anti GAD antibodies, anti IA2 antibodies, ELISA tests.

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