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Evaluation of working conditions and perceptions of health status and the importance of health in child and young workers in the industrial site

İlknur Göl.


Aim: To evaluation of working conditions and perceptions of health status and the importance of health in child and young workers in the ındustry.
Method: Descriptive research was conducted at industrial area, between December 2014-February 2015. The universe includes 50 male workers and the whole universe was included in the survey. Data were collected by using the questionnaire including sociodemographic characteristics and working conditions of workers, Perception of Health Status Scale and the Importance of Healt Scale.
Results: Study data demonstrated that 48% were working 9 to 11 hours a day, 32% it is not the time to rest during the day, 70% had no lunch break, 64% were earning 100-300 Turkish liras per week, 76% had no social security. According to workers; the work place 10% were insufficient ventilation, 12% were insufficent to light up and 32% were insufficient heating. Also, 34% stated that their work is too heavy for them. Occupational accident rate is 18%. 70% of the workers perceive health as “good”, the mean score of perception of health was 1.9±0.54. Mean score of importance of health scale was 4.72±3.09.
Conclusion: Child and young workers were work in ventilation, heating and lighting is insufficent environments with low wages and long hours. The workers perceive health as “good”, but they see it as not important value to be healthy.

Key words: Child Workers, Working Conditions, Importance of Health, Perception of Health Status.

Article Language: Turkish English

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