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Case Report

tjtfp. 2021; 12(1): 40-49

Medical surveillance: Filiation

Mebrure Beyza Gökçek, Hümeyra Aslaner, Adil Çetin, Serkan Yıldız, Ali Ramazan Benli.

Cited by 0 Articles

A pandemic is the spread of a disease, an infection factor or a health problem in a wide area like worldwide. Pandemics affect an important part of the population in the whole world. A pandemic is the spread of a disease, an infection factor or a health problem in a wide area. Pandemics affect an important part of the population in the whole world. Protection and control measures should be taken during an epidemic. These measures are generally for resource control, mode of transmission and healthy individuals. Filiation activities on COVID-19 have been being performed meticulously in our country since the first index case was detected. The following case series were presented in order to explain how filiation activities were performed in Kayseri and in our country. We presented four case series. The most important point in coping with epidemics is having a strong infrastructure in healthcare system.

It is considered that the works of filiation teams as an example for medical surveillance have had a great contribution to the management of pandemic.

Key words: Covid-19, Filiation, Case Management

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