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Dusunen Adam. 2016; 29(4): 317-323

Psychotherapy perspective of physicians and psychiatric patients

Memduha Aydin, Hulya Ertekin, Tahsin Etli, Hatice Yardim Ozayhan, Ibrahim Eren.


Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of psychotherapy in healing and protection of mental health in integrated psychiatry and general medicine practice.
Method: This study is a cross-sectional study that was conducted in Konya Training and Research Hospital between dates May 2013 and July 2013. Data were collected by using 5-item questionnaires prepared separately for patients and doctors from internal medicine and surgical disciplines.
Results: The sample is consisting of 173 patients admitted to psychiatric outpatient clinic, 28 doctors from surgical and 89 doctors from internal medicine disciplines. Patients at psychiatric outpatient clinic believed that psychotherapy was an effective method for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, and knew that psychiatrists could apply psychotherapy, but thought that there was no sufficient time at outpatient clinics. No difference was determined between the doctors from internal medicine and surgical disciplines in tendency to ask support from psychiatrists for treatment of their patients (p=0.115). Doctors from internal medine disciplines had a higher proportion of belief that psychotherapy was as effective as medication treatments (p=0.038). No difference was determined between doctors from internal medicine and surgical disciplines in the belief that psychiatrists could provide psychotherapy service. Belief of applicability of psychotherapy at the outpatient clinic settings was higher among doctors from internal medicine than those from the surgical disciplines (p=0.038).
Conclusion: This study enabled us to assess the attitudes towards “psychotherapy” among patients and doctors from internal medicine and surgical disciplines.

Key words: General practice, patients, physicians, psychiatry, psychotherapy

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