Since electronic apex locators (EALs) were developed and innovated, they offered the property of being a determinant for the termination or end point of root canal treatments. Multiple studies have evaluated the efficacy of EAL. These studies suggested that EALs are accurate and reliable for determining working length more than radiographs alone. Two databases have been searched for topics related to EALs: PubMed and Google Scholar. To find out the most relevant articles related to the study’s aim, search was done to review articles between 2004 and 2022. Since many brands have different EALs with different generations, the study has been done using Root ZX and Raypex 5 of EAL, concluding that both the Root ZX and Raypex 5 give accuracy up to 96.6% and 93%, respectively, for detecting the apical constriction. In addition, the systematic review results revealed no significant difference among the four generations of apex locators for the determination of working length. EALs can measure working length control and determine apical constriction, even in the presence of blood or irrigants. In addition, this device is a reliable tool for detecting perforations, whether small or large. Therefore, EALs are an essential tool in endodontics and should be combined with radiographs to achieve a higher level of prognosis and success.
Key words: Root canal therapy prognosis, Root canal working length, Root ZX, Periapical radiograph, Root canal treatment, and Electronic apex locator