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The prevalence of cesarean section among 18-49-year-old women living in Mersin province and affecting factors

Seva Öner, Fazıl Koçaş.


Aim: The present study was aimed at investigating the prevalence of cesarean section among 18-49-year-old women followed by Mezitli Community Health Center and the affecting factors.
Materyal and Methods: This descriptive study was performed in January 2015 and February 2015 at Mezitli Community Health Center. The study included 18-49-year-old womenwho gave at least one birth. The population of the study consisted of 22,061 living in the district of Mezitli.
The minimum sample size was calculated as 378 people using the prevalence of 50%, the margin of error of ± 5 and 95% confidence interval, and 523 women were reached. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics and the chi-square test were used.
Results: The mean age of the women participating in this study was 34.2 ± 7.7 years, and 274 (52.4%) of them delivered a baby by cesarean section at least once. Of the participants, those whose longest place of residence was an urban area gave birth through caesarian section more than did those whose longest place of residence was a rural area.Similarly, thosewho had ahighereducation level, who were employed,who obtained information about birth before delivery gave birth through caesarian section more than did those who had a lowereducation level, who were unemployed and who did notobtain information about birth before delivery. Of the participants who obtained information about birth, those who obtained it from physicians also gave birth through caesarian section more than did those who obtained it frommidwives and nurses.
The most common indication in women who gave birth by caesarean section (74 persons, 27.0%) was the mother’s own request, and the most common complications (159 persons, 58.0%) were pain and gas problems.
Conclusions: In the area where the present study was conducted, the rate of caesarean sectionis high. Caesarean section was preferred more by those who were in their thirties, whose education level was high, who were employed, whose income was twice as much asthe minimum wage, whose longest place of residence was a city, andwho were provided information especially by a physician.

Key words: Cesarean section; birth rate; vaginal birth after cesarean; abdominal birth

Article Language: Turkish English

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