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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2016; 27(101): 31-61

China’s Outward Direct Investments: Historical and Contemporary Perspective

Kerem Gökten.

Cited by 3 Articles

Economic and political rise of China is one of the most important events of the period which we live in. The economic power achieved by the China has resulted in draw great attention both her and capitalist world- economy's future.In recent years, China remain on the world’s agenda outward direct investment instead of inward direct investment. China is no longer a country that is concerned about the loss of reserves, but rather has become a country where a concern assessment of the reserves. Over the last decade China’s state-owned enterprises in line with political and strategic objectives of the regime intensified their worldwide merger and acquisition efforts. Outward direct investment from China can not be understood solely in economic perspective due to their special nature. Firstly, this article will give an updated information on the amount and direction of China’s outward direct investments. Then the importance of this kind of investment in terms of country’s capital accumulation is examined.

Key words: China, outward direct investment, national champions, going out strategy. JEL Classification : F21, F23

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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