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Perimenstrual sympthoms of Aydin health faculty students and coping methods

Tuba Uslay Keskin, Duygu Yeşilfidan, Filiz Adana, Pınar Okyay.


Purpose: The purpose of the current study was to determine the symptoms that Aydın Health College Nursing and
Midwifery students’ lived at menstrual period most, methods for coping with the symptoms, reasons for method use
and the prevalence of the methods. Material and methods: The study was cross-sectional. The study group was
consisted of 300 female students that studying nursing and midwifery at Aydın Health College (CI 95%, p=50%,
worst acceptable value 45%). Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used for statistical assessment.
Results: 295 (98,3%) female students from Aydın Health College were reached. 97.3% of students had at least
one symptom at menstrual period, most frequently experienced symptoms were abdominal pain (94.5%), irritability
(92,2%), fatigue (89,3%). They most often referred mother/sister (52.4 %) for information and health personnel
(56.5%) for remedy. 53.2% of students used medical treatment for their menstrual symptoms. The most frequently
used methods were massage (76.8%), hot-water bottle (75.1%), physical exercise (69,6%), herbal medicines
(63.0%). 82.9% of students who used nonmedical methods, said that they had benefited from these methods,
78.5% of them would advise to the close people. Conclusion: The frequency of referral to health personnel for
having information was low. Questions about nonmedical methods could be asked while taking medical history for
health professionals to be informed.

Key words: Complementary Therapies; Students, Health Occupations; Therapeutic Uses; Dysmenorrhea; Cross-Sectional Studies

Article Language: Turkish English

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