Aim: Through occupational health safety implementations, it is possible to provide safe working environments, protect the working staff from occupational accidents and diseases, and improve the physical, mental and social health. The aim of this study is to assess the services given within the scope of occupational health and safety implementations at hospitals where nurses work.
Methods: The population of the study consisted of 184 nurses working at Namık Kemal University, Research and Development as well as at two private hospitals in Tekirdağ central district. 162 of the nurses, who were actively working at those hospitals during the research and agreed to participate, were included in the study. Data was collected through personal information forms and Occupational Safety Scale (OSS) and was evaluated by using descriptive and comparative analysis.
Results: The average of age of participants was 38.23±7.07, and the average duration of employment was 16.62±5.78. The woman population was 85.5%, the percentage of employees with bachelor’s degree was 47.5%, and 44.4% of the subjects stated that they got in-service training on occupational health and safety. The total OSS score in the study was found out as 135.33±33.23. The difference between OSS total score and sub-dimension score averages was found out to be significant according to the ward, occupational position, and in-service training received.
Conclusion: This study assessing the occupational safety implementations at the workplace of nurses, has determined that occupational safety implementation is insufficient at nurses’ occupational environment. Occupational environment at hospitals which is approved to be at very dangerous level among fields of operations according to the related legislations, it is essential that workplace health units be built, in-service training programmes be implemented for both employees and administrative staff in order to set up individual and institutional safety culture.
Key words: Nurse, occupational health, occupational safety, occupational safety scale. Article Language: Turkish English