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Sleep Hypn. 2016; 18(1): 2-7

Influence of Body Composition on Sleep in People Who Exercise

Ismael San Mauro Martín, Paulina Gudalewska, Licia de la Calle de la Rosa, Miguel González Fernández, Ana Megías Gamarra, Belén Miralles Rivera, M Ángeles Bonilla Navarro, Ana María Ruiz León, Esther Moraleda Ponzol, Elena Garicano Vilar.


Study objective: Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse relationship between sleep duration and body mass
index. Respiratory sleep problems are also correlated with abdominal adiposity and fat mass indicators. We analyzed if
body fat has influence on sleep duration and quality, according to percentiles, gender and exercise.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, retrospective study with 264 subjects from different sports clubs and gyms in
the Community of Madrid was conducted. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, body fat %, fat free
mass, waist circumference, basal metabolic rate) and a questionnaire, including medical history, eating habits, sleep
and exercise items, were taken. Different percentiles for body fat % were calculated according to gender and age.
Participants were classified into three groups: percentile55. Data analysis was
performed with SPSS® 20 software. Quantitative variables were presented as mean±standard-deviation; qualitative
variables as absolute frequencies and percentages.
Results: Men and women slept the same number of hours and had similar body fat % percentiles. No relationship
between body fat and sleep quality was found. Subjects with percentile >55 had longer sleep duration than percentile

Key words: Physical activity, obesity, somnolence, health, overweight

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