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Quality of nurse patient therapeutic communication and overall patient satisfaction during their hospitalization stay

Sandhya Negi, Harleen Kaur, Grace M Singh, Sanchita Pugazhendi.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Effective communication is very important aspect in a nursing career. When patient admitted in the ward then therapeutic nurse patient relationship developed and if person is not mentally disturbed so that is very important nurses will properly communicate or needs to show a greater amount of interest to the information-giving process and decision making regarding the care of the patient.

Objectives: The main aim of the research is to find the quality of nurse patient therapeutic communication and overall patient satisfaction during their hospitalization stay.

Material and Method: An exploratory descriptive design was followed. A total of 110 patients were recruited by convenient sampling technique. Self developed Likert scale is used to assess the quality of nurse patient therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction.

Result: Finding suggests that the most (81.8%) of the patient agreed that nurse was helpful and should concern on them, and 81% of the patient agreed that privacy and confidentiality was maintained. Only a few patients (4.5%) agreed that nurses were prompt in decision-making regarding their care.

Key words: Nurse Patient Therapeutic Communication; Patient Satisfaction; Patient

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