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Case Report

SETB. 2017; 51(4): -

Scar Endometriosis After Cesarean Section: A Case Report

Suat Karataş, Çiğdem Pulatoğlu, Ayşe İrem Kılıç, Hakan Erenel, Seyhan Ozakkoyunlu Hascicek, Işıl Ayhan, Ayşe Ender Yumru.


INTRODUCTION: Endometriosis is a medical condition where endometrial gland and stroma are outside the uterine cavity. Common presenting symptoms are abdominopelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities and infertility. Endometriosis is usually pelvic however, can be seen on eyes, lungs, umblicus, gallbladder, liver, abdominal wall and scar tissue. Here we present a case of scar endometriosis developed after ceaserean section.
CASE: 37 year old woman with a prior history of ceaserean section presented with complaints of pain on her scar and a bulging mass on the right side of it. Abdominal ultrasonography and MRI showed heterogen mass with increased vascularity. Surgical excision was performed and the specimen was reported pathologically as endometriosis.
DISCUSSION: Patients who have chronic pain on their scars from previous gynecologic operation should be questioned about the nature of the pain and its synchronousity with menstrual cycles. Diagnosis of endometriosis should be kept in mind.
Keywords: ceaserean section, endometriosis, scar

Key words: Keywords: cesarean section, endometriosis, scar

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