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Knowledge of Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Infection Control Practices Among Faculty of Dentistry Workers, in Aydın

Filiz Abacıgil, Görkem Ulu, Serhat Pirinççi, Ali Arıkan, Pınar Okyay, Erdal Beşer.


INTRODUCTION AND AIM: Hepatitis B infection which is a life-threatening infection, is a major global health problem. Occupational exposure may be an important route of transmission. The aim of this study was to evaluate Knowledge of Hepatitis B Virus Infection and infection control practices among Faculty of Dentistry Staff, in Aydın province.
MATERIAL METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, hepatitis B vaccination status of the participants; knowledge levels, history of work accidents, general infection control practices were questioned. Knowledge levels were assessed with 63 propositions, each correct answer calculated as 1 point to calculate total knowledge score and then subgroup scores such as general information, information level scores for transmission routes, prevention approaches and risk groups, were calculated.
RESULTS: 54.4 % of participants told that they had received education about HBV infection, 67.5% told they had been vaccinated with Hepatitis B vaccine. 46.3% of those who stated that they had been vaccinated told that they checked antibody levels after vaccination. 27.8 % of participants stated that they had periodic inspection checks and 18.8 % stated that they had an occupational accident in terms of infection risk in the previous year. The mean total knowledge score over 63 propositions was 42.3±13.3. Total knowledge score were found lower in participants who were younger or dental students, who did not receive education about general infection control precautions and hepatitis B infection, who did not vaccinated with HBV, who did not have a history of contact with HBV-infected patients, who did not had an occupational accident in the previous year and who had less than a year of occupational experience.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion oral and dental health workers’ knowledge about hepatitis B infection and infection control practices were not at desired level. It is important to give educational activities regarding causes of infections and standard infection control precautions as earlier as possible in order to prevent horizontal transmission between patients and health workers.

Key words: KEY WORDS: Hepatitis B, dentistry, infection, knowledge

Article Language: Turkish English

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