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Association of insulin resistance and adiponectin in metabolic syndrome

Rajkumari Rathore, Neha Sharma, Poornima Dey Sarkar, Anil Bidwai.

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Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and decreased adiponectin level have been reported to be clinically associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease (CAD). Serum level of adiponectin has been shown to be reduced in several disease states like obesity and diabetes. We investigated the clinical relationship between serum adiponectin level and MetS, and its association with insulin resistance.

Aim & Objective: The present study was designed to compare the fasting adiponectin level with the insulin and insulin resistance between metabolic syndrome patients and healthy subjects. The present study included 140 metabolic syndrome cases (81 men and 59 women) and 100 healthy controls. Metabolic syndrome cases were diagnosed by (NCEP ATP III) criteria. Serum Adiponectin, leptin , insulin, glucose and lipid profile measured and insulin resistance, leptin and adiponectin ratio and BMI were calculated.

Results: All the parameters were significantly (P

Key words: Key Words Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes Mellitus, Cardio Vascular Disease, Hypoadiponectinemia

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