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Case Report

Bloodstream Infection of Candida albicans in Kidney Recipient Patient: A case report from Nepal

Tika Bahadur Thapa, Anit Lamichhane, Ojaswee Shrestha, Ruchi Shrestha, Alaska Timilsina, Puspa Raj Khanal.

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Candida albicans is the most common human fungal pathogen causing diseases ranging from mucosal to systemic infections mainly in an immunocompromised individual. Here, in the case of a female of 26 years age, undergone renal transplantation. A week after transplantation recipient developed complications in urinary output, painful urination with fever. Bacterial urinary tract infection was suspected and meropenem was given preliminary but didn’t show any recovery. Later, on blood culture, the patient was diagnosed with a bloodstream infection of C. albicans. After diagnosis with C. albicans, meropenem was replaced with antifungal drug voriconazole (200mg, BD), and the patient was fully recovered from infection in a week.

Key words: Candida albicans, Renal transplant, Voriconazole

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