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IJHRS. 2016; 5(1): 27-37

Static balance ability as an indication of static stability among healthy physical therapy students at Taibah University

Tarek M. El-gohary, Hala Abdelmonem Nassar, Abdullah M. Alshenqiti, Mahmoud I. Ibrahim, Osama A. Khaled, Mostafa S. Ahmed, Hatem A. Emara, Sameh R. Ibrahim.


Background: Balance is an essential component for the overall physical performance among individuals.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate and to compare the static balance ability, in terms of endurance time, during trunk stability push-up and during deep squat.
Method and Materials: Twenty three healthy physical therapy students, aged between 20 and 23 years, were recruited from college of medical rehabilitation to participate in the study. The physical therapy testers demonstrated the activity to the participants. Every participant had to maintain his balance as long as tolerated during deep squat and during doing push-up while maintaining the trunk stable. The order of measurement was counterbalanced.
Results: The mean score, in seconds, for trunk stability push-up was 49.57 (SD=22.07), and the mean score for deep squat was 52.83 (SD=24.60). No significant difference between trunk stability push-up and deep squat mean value, was found [ t (22)= -0.639, p >0.05]. Also, a moderate positive correlation was found [r (21) = 0.454, p

Key words: Balance, posture, physical endurance, healthy participants, correlation.

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