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Optimization of parboiling conditions for enhanced Japonica rice milling

Daniel Dooyum Uyeh, Seung Min Woo, Dong Hyuck Hong, Yu Shin Ha.


a. It is better to skip the parboiling process than to perform the process improperly. Unfortunately, improper parboiling of rice is a
custom in most of the developing countries where there is heavy dependence on rice.

b. Variety of rice plays vital role in the degree to which the factors should be combined during the parboiling process. Research
should always be carried out on new developed varieties before commercial parboiling commences.

c. Parboiling process has impact on rice in diverse ways. It affects the color intensity, lightness, impacts hardness, increase milling
yield, etc.

d. Different lots of paddy with different initial moisture contents can be mixed safely for parboiling without any loss in quality or

e. Proper parboiling of rice will have significant impact on human health especially in rice consuming nations.

Key words: Milling, Optimization, Parboiling, Post-Harvest, Rice

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