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Biomed Res Ther. 2016; 3(3): 542-547

The markers of platelet functions and Von Willebrand factor serum content from patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and ishemic stroke

Tetiana Tsarenko, Oleksandra Kostiuk, Olha Kravchenko, Oleksiy Savchuk, Liudmyla Ostapchenko.


Introduction: The estÑ–mated number of people with diabetes worldwide in 2015 is 415 million persons, up to 91% of adults hadtype 2 diabetes and the crude incidence of stroke among patients with diabetes of the 2ndtype can be more than 3 times that in the general population. It is known platelet activation and aggregation are critical in the pathogenesis of acute ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. Thus to examine the evidence of platelet functioning such as platelet count,aggregation in response to ADP, coagulation von Willebrand factor and serotonin content, monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in the blood of patients with ischemic stroke and with ischemic stroke complicated with the 2ndtype diabetes are the aim of the present study. Methods: The platelet aggregation was assayed for photo-optical aggregometer, von Willebrand factor was determined by Elisa, serotonin determination included ion-exchange chromatography and fluorescence spectrophotometry. Determination of monoamine-oxidase serum activity was spectophotometry. Results: The investigation has shown an increase of serotonin and Von Willebrand factor blood content in both groups of patients with ischemic stroke andtype 2 diabetes and stroke alone compared with the values of the control group. The monoamine oxidase activity and platelet count were reduced in blood of patients with diabetes of the 2ndtype with ischemic stroke against to the values from the group of healthy donors. Platelet aggregation in response to ADP increased under the investigated pathologies. Conclusions: These obtained data suggested a significant imbalance in vascular platelet element of hemostasis under the ischemic stroke and amplification of negative changes under the stroke with the 2ndtype diabetes.

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