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Biomed Res Ther. 2016; 3(3): 557-566

Effects of adding tocotrienol-tocopherol mixed fraction and vitamin C on inflammatory status in hypercholesterolaemic patients in the low coronary risk category

Muhamed T Osman, Azlina Abdul Razak, Thuhairah Rahman, Suhaila Muid, Tengku Saifudin Tengku Ismail, Anis Safura Ramli, Sushil Kumar Vasudevan, Hapizah Nawawi.


Aim: This study is designed to investigate the effects of tocotrienol-tocopherol mixed fraction (TTMF), vitamin C and combined TTMF-vitamin C supplementations on serum lipids and biochemical markers of inflammation and endothelial activation in hypercholesterolemic subjects in the low-risk category. Materials and Methods: 78 hypercholesterolaemic subjects (total cholesterol of ³ 5.2 mmol/L and low-density lipoprotein 3.4 – 4.9 mmol/L) in the low cardiovascular risk category according to the NCEP-ATP3 criteria were recruited. They were randomized into four treatment combination groups for a period of twelve months; (1) receiving TTMF and vitamin C, (2) receiving TTMF and placebo, (3) receiving vitamin C and placebo, and (4) receiving placebo for both. Serum fasting lipid profiles and levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, tumour necrosis factor-a, intercellular adhesion molecule, vascular cell adhesion molecule, E-selectin and homocysteine were measured at entry and multiple time points post-randomisation. Results: There were no significant differences in percentage changes of lipid profiles and inflammatory markers between treated and placebo groups for either single or combined antioxidants supplementations. Conclusion: TTMF, vitamin C and combined TTMF-vitamin C supplementations have neutral effects on lipid profiles and biochemical markers of inflammation and endothelial activation in low risk subjects, suggesting that they offer no added advantage in the low cardiovascular risk group.

Key words: Antioxidants, tocotrienols, hypercholesterolaemia, inflammation, atherosclerosis, low coronary risk

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