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The Frequency of Risk Factors on Trends of Pancreatic cancer in Kosovo

Naser Ramadani, Kreshnike Dedushi, Sefedin Muçaj, Serbeze Kabashi, Naim Jerliu, Astrit Hoxhaj.


The aim: The aim of this paper is to analyze different factors that influence the trends of pancreatic cancer mortality and morbidity of patients treated at the UCCK of Kosovo. Within this study, we have evaluated pancreatic cancer risk factors, durability and lethality regarding Kosovan patients who have been diagnosed and treated within Kosovo. The study in question is that of retrospective research traversing the period of 2011-2015. Materials and methodology: This retrospective research study includes 362 patients recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, 2011-2015 at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo in Pristina. The main important factors included in this study are: age, sex and risk factors that altogether have considerable influence in incidence of pancreatic cancer. The imaging diagnostics are performed with the use of 2D ECHO Phillips, MSCT Sensation 64 and 6 and 1.5T MRI Symphony Siemens that are situated in the Radiologic Clinic of UCCK. The statistic data were obtained from NIPH of Kosovo and Agency of Statistics of Kosovo. Results: Out of the total number of the 362 patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the mortality in all age groups was higher at male patients–61.6 % of cases (n=223) with the highest number found at 51–60 years age group. The 38.4 % (n= 139) were female patients with the highest incidence frequency at F 61–70 years age group. The F/M ratio is 1:1.6. The “plane” nicotine users were found at 34 % (n=123) while the joined, nicotine/alcohol addiction was detected at 26 % (n= 94). The 18.5% (n=67) have had established diagnose of the diabetes mellitus tip II and 9.6 % (n=35) have undergone the medical treatment of the gastroduodenal peptic ulcerations. The total number of deaths is 310 (85.6%) and there are only 52 patients (14.4%) still alive. The mortality rate of the pancreatic cancer in Kosovo was 17.2 in 100.000 residents while the morbidity rate was 2.8 in 100.000 residents. Discussion and conclusion: This retrospective research study intends to present the role of the risk factor, that influence the mortality and morbidity of the pancreatic cancer in Kosovo and finally, to compare these results with similar studies abroad with aim to prevent the pancreatic cancer. The analyses of the obtained statistical data shows that the nicotine addiction play important role in incidence of the pancreatic cancer as well as alcohol addiction, presence of the diseases such are diabetes mellitus tip II and gastroduodenal peptic ulcers.

Key words: Pancreatic Cancer risk Factors, Mortality and Morbidity, MSCT, MRI, UCCK of Kosovo.

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