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Case Report

The Differential Algorithm Between Rheumatologic and Malign Diseases

Arbnore Batalli Këpuska, Lidvana Spahiju, Ramush Bejiq, Rufadije Manqestena, Valbona Stavileci, and Zana Ibraimi.


Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the differential algorithm between rheumatism and malignant diseases. For every pediatrician, to be warned when attending joint pain and child arthralgia and prevent and treat within time malignant diseases. Methods: Our case presented in Pediatric Clinic, was referred by Regional Hospital of Ferizaj with suspected diagnose of Febris Rheumatica and Arthralgia. The main complaint was joint pain. Initially the patient was admitted at Cardiology and Rheumatology department. Then after examinations was referred to Hemato-Oncology department. Hospitalized during the period from 12.12.2014 to 18.01.2015. Results: Bone marrow biopsy as terminal diagnostic tool reviled severe malignant hematologic disease, which was masked by clinical and lab findings as Febris Rheumatica. Conclusion: Arthralgia as one of child’s often complain, should have a special attention paid to, as it might be a warning sign for a lot of diseases. Steroid treatment should not be used before final diagnose of the disease and before rolling out hematologic etiology with peripheral blood smear.

Key words: algorithm, rheumatism, malign disease, arthralgia, febris rheumatic, joint pain.

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