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Bariatric Surgery in University Clinic Center Tuzla - Results After 30 Operations

Amir Ahmetasevic, Fuad Pasic, Miroslav Bekavac Beslin, Miroslav Ilic, Dzenita Ahmetasevic, Mirza Mesic.


Introduction: Project of Bariatric surgery in University clinic center (UCC) Tuzla has been initiated in 2009 as an idea of professor Dešo Mešić and soon after that Bariatric surgical team led by doctor Fuad Pasic has been created. Material and methods: Practical team education was realized in Croatia in hospital „Sisters of Mercy“ under supervision of professor Miroslav-Bekavac Beslin. First bariatric operations in UCC Tuzla has been done in 2011 and it was biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) Scopinaro. Results and discussion: So far there has been done 30 operations and among them there have been used almost all operative modalities - restrictive, malabsorptive and combined (laparoscopic gastric banding-LAPGB, Roux-y mini gastric bypass,open and laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection, and over mentioned Scopinaro’s BPD). Beginning results are very promising according to the fact that almost all operated patients after one year stopped using antihypertensive, antidiabetic and antidepressant therapy, that average year’s weight loss is 35-100 kilograms and total satisfactions of patients after surgeries is obvious.

Key words: bariatric surgery, laparoscopic gastric banding-LAPGB, Roux-y mini gastric bypass, open and laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection, over mentioned Scopinaro’s BPD.

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