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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2451-2456

Nationalized Commercial Banks' Microfinance In The Development Of Self-Help Groups In Tamil Nadu

Dr. J.Anudevi.


The study's goal was to look at the SHG's major tasks and identify the challenges it faces. The study also revealed the advantages of microfinance for SHG. The researcher had adopted a descriptive research design. The data was collected from 560 respondents from various districts of Tamil Nadu using the multistage sampling technique. Herein the researcher had adopted a structured questionnaire to collect the data. Through the result obtained it can be interpreted that, the majority of the respondents in SHG were married and belonged to the age category between 30-41 years having no formal education or illiterate. Also, the important activities carried out in SHGs are Co-ordination among group members is good, In group meetings and the economic problems of members are discussed for finding the solution, Group meetings are conducted at the frequent interval, Members are contributing adequate amount towards savings in our group and Members are actively participating in group discussion. It was identified that a high level of constraints is faced in terms of, inflexibility, delay in loan approval and inadequate management abilities. Further, it was found that Improved Managerial ability, better Management of Groups and increased Independence will result from microfinance assistance.

Key words: SHG, Micro-Finance, Nationalized Commercial Banks'

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