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Technological value of blends (bread wheat flour and durum wheat semolina) for bread manufacture

Ana Bagulho, André Monho, Ana Sofia Almeida, Rita Costa, José Moreira, Isabel Pais, Paula Scotti, José Coutinho, Benvindo Maçãs.


In the present study, the rheological and baking properties of blends containing bread wheat flour and durum wheat semolina were analyzed. Two bread wheat varieties (Almansor, Pirana), three durum wheat varieties (Celta, Hélvio, Marialva) and two replacement levels (25 and 60%) were used to determine differences in dough behaviour and bread properties. These varieties showed difference in their properties, once they have different allelic composition for the most determinant loci to quality (Glu-1 in bread wheat and Glu-3 in durum wheat). The addition of durum wheat semolina to Almansor flour had a deleterious effect on almost all quality parameters. The dough stability and loaf volume of Pirana flour (weak bread wheat) were improved when blends were made with Hélvio’s semolina. The replacement level of durum wheat in both types of blends increased alveograph P/L and yellowish crumb colour but decreased alveograph deformation energy W and loaf volume of blends with Almansor. This study showed the possibility of making bread with acceptable characteristics using mixtures of bread and durum wheats, although, can cause lower bread volume.

Key words: Bread wheat, Durum wheat, Bread making quality.

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